First of all, I would like to inform you that our servers have been really stable since the last update.
There hasn't been one single issue in the past 4 days of them being back online.
Moreover, our playerbase is expanding again. From 350 players one month ago, to 30 players 3 days ago and now to 400 players!
We would like to thank you all for your support and dedication to this project!
But lets move on to some real updates.
We are happy to announce that we have partnered up with some great developers that will provide us with the new networking backend that will be using for our upcoming services (eg. the major Rome update and Venice).
Here are some highlights of it:
- Allows complete player, account and server management - previously we would have to manually go through the records to change something
- Enables supported games with matchmaking features
- Has an elaborate stat tracking and leaderboard mechanism
- Is cross-game compatible
- Has friend managment and messaging features
- Supports clustering - meaning that there can be several servers across the world acting as one
- Has fail-over protection - meaning that even if the server you are connected to goes offline you will be reconnected to another one without experiencing disconnection
- Features a robust anti-cheat system that can be customized to our needs
- Has a public API for third-party developers
We are happy to implement this into our feature services, whilst providing them with valuable feedback for improving and expanding their product.
Now, you may be wondering:
'Will there be any new features in the upcoming major Rome update?'
'What will Venice be all about?'
Let me try to answer these two questions for you.
As previously stated, with the integration of that new networking platform, we will be able to implement features like:
- Friends and Invites
- Leaderboards
- Matchmaking
- Server Filters
- Anti-Cheat
- LAN Support - intended for use in internet cafes/LAN parties
- Mod Support - possibly the ability to create your own gamemodes
- Better Linux integration
Moving on to Venice, Venice is our take on the popular game BF3.
Our main goal, just like with Rome, is to offer you the ability to play on a liberated environment - without restrictions posed by the game publishers, to be able to host your own servers - without 'explicit authorization' from the game publishers and offer you the best experience possible.
Here are some planned features for the initial release of Venice:
- Cooperative mode support
- Ability to host your own servers
- External server-browser
- Origami-Free gameplay
- Stat saving and updating
In the future we might implement features like:
- LAN Support
- Mod Support
- Friends/Invites Support
- Matchmaking
Finally, I would like to inform you that we have been working hard on a new and unique style for our forums and website, with direct game integration and some really neat new features.
Have fun and enjoy living in the world that did NOT end!
PS: There is no ETA for any of the aforementioned features and services.